v0.1.8b Public Release!

Hey, Adventurers! I hope you weren't too invested in No Nut November, because v0.1.8 is now Publicly Available!

This is another rather massive update. The Heist arc is here, Chris joins the party, lots of technical improvements, new regions to adventure through, quests have been revamped... You know the drill, lots of new stuff.

Full changelog, including the changes for patches v0.1.8a and v0.1.8b:



- Fixed an issue that could result in a crash when venturing to floor 5 in the Dungeon

- Fixed an issue preventing Chris' Poison attack from dealing double damage out of Stealth

- Fixed an issue preventing some chests from dropping two items

- Fixed an issue resulting in a crash when wearing Kazuma's Masked Thief skin when fishing

- Fixed an issue resulting in a crash with some traps

- Fixed a few lines with orthographic mistakes



- Added Web support. The game now has a Web build and can be playable from the browser (for instance on itch)

- Rudimentary mod support

Minor changes:

- Slightly reduced XP and gold rewards from Quests

- Collectibles are now non-interactive during the fishing minigame

- Regions on the Worldmap will now contain a warning if a boss is present in the level

- +1 Aqua skin

- +1 Darkness skin

- By popular demand, you can now invite Darkness & Megumin to your room for headpats again even if you've already finished those events

- Added a hard level cap to level 9 for the time being.

- Reduced days added to the counter after completing a quest from 5 to 4


- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from using Skip button

- Fixed an issue allowing certain dialogues in Steph's rescue quest to be played multiple times

- Fixed an issue that would cap bonus attributes from training with Darkness and Roxy at a lower value than intended. Applies retroactively

- Fixed an issue with a possessive pronoun in procedurally generated adventurers

- Fixed an issue with a certain foreground covering enemies in the dark forest

- Fixed an issue with Aqua dispelling self-applied Marked effect

- Fixed an issue with a missing displayable when visiting Gabriel

- Fixed an issue where you could still interact with objects after interrupting an adventure

- Fixed an issue with traps disappearing from the screen after an all-out-attack

- Fixed an issue with locked chests still being unpickable when Chris is in the party

- Fixed an issue resulting "Goddess of Calamities" event being available before Steal is learned

- Fixed an issue with scrollwheel not working in the shop menus



- +12k words, totaling 113k

- +451 images, totaling 4628

- +19 animations, totaling 89

- Added the Heist event chain + quest + 2 cinematics

- +1 Main Event

- +1 Chris H-scene

- +1 Yunyun Event

- +1 Succubi Dream H-scene (rat-themed)

- +1 Gabriel Event

- +1 Vanir Event

- +1 Roxy Event


- Upgraded to Ren'Py 8.1.2, bringing enhanced performance and numerous bug fixes

- Added a rudimentary lighting system for adventuring. Units will now get lit up and cast shadows during certain interactions or when AOE abilities are being cast

- The choice screen can now appear in different locations depending on the scene. This is to ensure it doesn't cover characters' faces in some cases

- H-scenes buttons now have their own style and are transparent

- Performance improvements % graphical updates for city & mansion screens

- General UI revamps & improvements

- You can now make "inventions" to sell to Vanir. Each product will generate a small amount of income every morning

- You can now feed Chomusuke in exchange for affection points and random rewards

- The Dreams in Succubi Cafe will now have "Ero Event" markers when available. After purchase you'll be able to rewatch them for free (and not just from the gallery)

- Work at the guild option will now have a quest marker if there are any plot-relevant jobs available

- Added a new book: In The Veil of Night

- Added a new Feat: Vampire Seducer. Now we just need some vampires


- Added Chris

- Added new enemies: Brigand Lieutenant, City Guard, City Guard Sergeant

- Added new bosses: Brigand Boss, Shadow of Joy, *REDACTED*

- New visuals for the brigands camp location

- You can now venture to the deep forest to fight the birdheads

- Added a new class of abilities with variable effects. They function similarly to how you switch weapons in combat: you can cycle through possible effects and choose one you need most

- Added a new ability for Kazuma, "Create Element". It contains 4 different abilities (Create Water, Create Fire, Create Air, Create Earth) each of which can be used. Learn it from Roxy so she has reason to exist

- Added a new AbilityChain class for abilities that can (wait for it) chain effects.

- Added Drain Touch ability for Kazuma that can drain HP away from enemies in return for mana/health. That said, we won't see it in action yet

- Added a Wet status effect. Units affected by it take extra damage from Lightning attacks.

- Added a Frozen status effect. Frozen units receive penalties to their speed and dodge

- Added a new Riposte effect. Units with Riposte will counter-attack upon being hit.
- Added a Fear effect. Characters affected by fear might skip their turn

- Added a Hunting/Tracking effect. Units affected by it gain bonuses when attacking Marked enemies

- Added a Weaken effect. The next hit Weakened units receive is guaranteed to be critical

- Added a Confused effect. Confused units will choose their targets at random

- The initiative queue is now dynamic and can change mid-combat with speed boosts or penalties.

- You can now use the mousewheel to increase/decrease boost

- Successful attacks will now shake the screen lightly to provide feedback.

- Missed attacks will not show graphical effects of the attack on the target

- Added Traps that will damage the party if they're not disarmed

- Added Time Limited Battles (one in the Heist quest). You will need to last a certain amount of turns in order to win


- Balancing changes to monsters across the board

- Portable Toilet now applies Wet effect. Now there's a line I never thought I'd write
- "Blessed Restoration" and "Divine Heal" upgrades of Aqua's Heal ability now stack correctly
- "Blessed Restoration" heal percent amount decreased from 50% to 40%

- Aqua's "Blessing" now applies a +10 buff to speed

- Darkness' "Intimidate" now applies a -7 penalty to speed

- Added Fearless Feat to Darkness, rendering her immune to Fear effects

- Darkness' Bolster Ranks and Intimidate received some skill upgrades

- You will now receive a Power Gem every time you level up. This change is applied retroactively

- Buffed "Blinding Strike" upgrade for Turn Undead to further reduce accuracy (20->40) and dodge (10->20)

- Balanced Sword now adds a flat +10 bonus accuracy instead of a +10% modifier (which makes it rather useless for Darkness)

- Increased accuracy for Steal ability
- Darkness's strength gain increased to 9

- Kazuma's HP gain reduced from 14 to 12

- Kazuma's strength gain reduced from 7 to 6

- Aqua's Blessing duration from 2 -> 4

- Megumin's Concussive effect chance 30%->50%

- Jibril's Cleanse ability will now correctly cleanse most dispellable status effects that are positive

Minor changes:

- You can now end the workday early when working at the guild. You should still work the entire day, of course. Your corporate overlords demand it.

- Slightly adjusted monsters' death visual effect

- Removed some buttons from the game menu and the quick menu during replay mode cause some of y'all get overwhelmed by buttons too quickly

- Darkness's Headpat invitation will be inaccessible once complete. For now.

- Animation enhancements for screens when working at the guild and receiving results

- Added a tint effect to units when affected by Burn

- Adjusted the collectibles' glint additive quality to 0.5 so that it doesnt stand out as much

- Adjusted colors of the tray icon for Eris's boons

- Percent-based Heal skills will now show their percentages in the Skill Upgrade menu instead of flat numerical amount

- Auto-battle hotkey is now hidden on mobile devices

- Slightly adjusted the notification popup animation

- "Retake the Library" guild job will now only appear if "Investigate the Farm" is completed

- "Investigate the Farm" progress per day upped from 25 to 35

- Updated the first background in "Investigate the Tomb" quest

- Converted adventuring backgrounds to webp, saving on space

- Quick menu is now properly centered on the screen

- Replaced the city day BGM with a different track that I feel fits better

- Slight changes in library background visuals in adventuring mode

- Slightly adjusted Kazuma and Darkness sprites when attacking with a sword

- The menu dropdown in top-left corner now activates upon hover

- Equipped items in the inventory screen will no longer show their full attributes, but instead only a summary

- Included a language override for people that used to play on translated builds (which sometimes results in no text displayed in main build)

- Added an animated pointer to options in Jibril fight to make it more obvious that they're interactive

- Unlocking chests will now spawn a floating message to indicate success

- Jibril's chess minigame is now replayable from the Replay screen

- Reduced the reward from working at the construction site from 75 to 25

- Added on-screen controls to abandon lockpicking when possible


- FINALLY FIXED THE ITEM DUPE BUG WOOOOO, thanks M-L for the help in troubleshooting this menace

- Fixed the bug preventing Luna's "Greg" event from triggering. Thanks Leon for the report

- Fixed the bug causing an uncaught exception when using Auto-Battle option with Steph in the party

- Fixed the bug preventing the "Festival of Fortune" achievement from being granted

- Fixed the bug causing positive accuracy modifiers to further reduce Darkness's accuracy. Thanks TheRapist for the report

- Fixed Snipe not applying +50% damage to Marked targets. Those stinky ToDos... Thanks M-L for the report.

- Fixed a bug that resulted in PerfectFit label be cut off when working at the guild

- Fixed a bug with animations being interrupted when shown results of working at the guild

- Fixed a bug preventing players from seeing locked characters when unlocking the gallery via a cheat. Thanks Chamnyne for the report

- Fixed an issue with custom names showing up as None in Replays (Replays now have their own canonized placeholders)

- Fixed an issue with some names going out of namebox bounds in the festival events

- Fixed some clipping visuals in the last cuscene of Investigate the Tomb

- Fixed the issue with freezing animation when opening a shop menu

- Fixed an issue that would result in a bug where it appears as if mana was used when a hero is attacked by a monster

- Fixed a bug that would result in some Status Effects not clearing properly at the end of combat

- Fixed a bug where Knocked Out status effect would stay applied to Megumin after casting Explosion, rendering her useless at the start of the next fight

- Fixed the bug causing an uncaught exception sometimes during the fight with Jibril. Thanks billyjoebobmartin for the report

- Fixed inconsistent text colors in item attributes

- Fixed an issue which could result in some status effects description displaying "0 Turns Remaining"

- Fixed some hints that could mislead players into thinking they had highlightable elements, thanks dragon++ for the report

- Fixed inaccurate description of Aqua's Sacred Turn Undead upgrade, thanks dragon++ for the report

- Fixed an issue where a feat description was cut off in the feats section

- Fixed a bug with Bosses portraits having a blue (allied) background

- Fixed a bug where using Steal (or any other non-damaging ability) could trigger the Fickle Fate status effect

- Fixed an issue where skills could apply Fickle Fate to party members

- Fixed a bug which prevented Lucky Boost from increasing crit chance


Android Build (v0.2.0a) (.zip) 1.3 GB
Version 0.2.0a 51 days ago
Windows / Linux Build (v0.2.0a) 2 GB
Version 0.1.8b Nov 21, 2023
Android Build (v0.2.0a) (.zip) 1.3 GB
Version 0.1.8b Nov 21, 2023
Mac Build (v0.2.0a) 2 GB
Version 0.1.8b Nov 21, 2023

Get Adventurer Trainer


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hello when i extract the game i cant use the app either it deletes itself or when i try to open it it does nothing also after that i couldnt delete it or extract the app again

Deleted post
(1 edit)

how do you do quest now? because I can't find out how.

also I just wanted to say love you're game.

(1 edit) (+1)

You should see a "Travel" button when you're in the city view. If you don't, it's likely that there was an issue during save patching, try reloading it

Glad you're enjoying the game :)

(1 edit)

okay thanks

If I leveled up above 9 in v0.1.7b and then transferred the save to v0.1.8b, would my level stay as is or would it be recalculated to 9 due to the level cap?

When v0.1.6b was released, I played so much that I leveled my characters above 20. Unlike the lazy Kazuma, I like to raise my level to a point where my enemies are nothing more than ants ready to be crushed. ;-;

It would be recalculated and capped at 9 right now. Unfortunately I've got some rebalancing to do with the addition of new content and the new quest system so it's a necessary evil to keep things on track.

In the future, it's likely that we will have soft level caps instead of hard caps (i.e. you would only get experience for completing quests/slaying monsters close to your level), but that is still up in the air. The new system made it very easy to level up and render all challenges irrelevant based on the testers feedback so it'll require some careful tuning.

At least you give an explanation, unlike the original Konosuba author who keeps Kazuma as the lowest level quartet member in a completely inconsistent way. In Vol 6 of the light novel, Kazuma says he is level 17, and in Vol 13 he says he is still below 20, and even a lazy bastard like him had already killed enough monsters to be above 20 by this part of the story, He even mentions that he bought several XP-rich foods, but his level didn't increase.

By the way, do you have plans to add food that gives XP to the game? Maybe have Kazuma learn cooking skills, which is light novel canon?


Fantastic game! Not only the H scenes and animation, the gameplay is so good and entertained

I have a question, how do you obtain building material? 

Congrats for the incredible game


Thank you for the high praise! Glad you're enjoying the game.

The building materials are random drops in some regions (like the dungeon)


Because there are 2 apk, what is the difference?


your updates are pretty good. Keep it up!


thanks <3