v0.1.9a Public Release!

Hey, Adventurers!
It's been cooking for a hot minute, but v0.1.9a is now in Public Access! You should be able to download it from the project's main page and below this post.
This is the largest update we've had by far. Lots of new events, new regions, more character development, Rin joins the party, the usual stuff. Someone stop me next time and tell me it's okay to have smaller updates.
Minor changes:
- The XRay event now has a "End early" button
- The XRay event now fully resets when replayed using cheats to avoid softlocking.
- Fixed an issue with decreasing boost levels when an ability/weapon is not selected
- Fixed a bug that duplicated some status effects upon using Cure
- Fixed an issue that could result in an uncaught exception when getting certain status effects
- Fixed a bug that allowed stacking the Barrier effect
- Fixed a bug taht could result in a crash when using Megumin's Meditate
- Fixed an issue that could result in Megumin resisting her own Meditate effect. lmao
- Fixed an issue with Rin's Magic Missile targeting only one enemy on touchscreen
- Removed Boon Upgrader and Quest Items from the cheat menu to avoid issues
- Fixed an issue that could result in an uncaught exception when selecting a region on the map
- Fixed the unintentionally high debuff resist on all heroes
- Fixed an issue with a piece of Darkness' dialogue not properly checking whether she's been romanced
- Fixed an issue with leaving dungeons early that could mark them as completed
- Minor spelling fixes
- +17k words, totaling 130k
- +484 images, totaling 5112
- +5 animations, totaling 94
- +13 New Events:
- +1 Main (Rem & Ram) Event
- +1 Bonus H-scene (comprised of 7 smaller H-scenes for Megumin, Aqua, Darkness, Luna, Yunyun, Chris and Wiz)
- +1 Megumin Event
- +1 Megumin H-scene
- +1 Yunyun event
- +2 Rin Events
- +2 Rin Quests
- +1 Wiz Event
- +1 Wiz (?) Quest but not really
- +1 Wiz H-scene
- +1 Gabriel event
- +1 Gabriel H-scene
- +1 Lolisa event
- +1 Lolisa H-scene
- +1 Alleys quest chain
- You can now hang out with Chris at night after seeing "Vantage Point"
- You can now raise affection with Lolisa after her latest event
- You can now explore the Alleys at night, but you might get ambushed by bandits while doing so. Don't forget to upgrade your skills. Hunting down enough bandits will yield a unique reward.
- You can now travel to Heaven during the night
- Some wearable items can now provide special buffs and properties in battles.
- Added a Photoalbum as a unique item drop which will show some extra images not present in game
- Quests available on the quest board will no longer appear if the player has too many. Additionally, you can now discard quests as long as they are not important to the story. Important quests will now be marked with a golden seal
- Boons now have multiple rarity levels which affect their stats. Players can increase their odds of getting stronger boons by purchasing an upgrade from Eris
- Disabled checking for updates for mobile devices for now since it can cause issues on older systems
- Important items sold in shops (for example book important to quest progression or items that act as triggers for bonus events) will now have a marker indicating that quality
- Added Rin as a playable character.
- Added Gabriel's Boons
- Various animation improvements to combat and general optimizations to make it run smoother
- Targeting allies with restorative abilities will now show a preview of their effects
- Added new status effects: Meditating, Acid, Asleep, Fragile, Exposed, Trapped, Empowered
- You can now cleanse Burn by Cowering. Stop, drop and roll.
- Some AOE effects will now render their effects one target at a time instead of all at once
- Added abilities with Charges, for example Rin's Magic Missile. Players will be able to utilize charges to target multiple targets or the same target multiple times.
- Added an additional animation for when heroes are knocked out.
- Added a visual flash to some ability effects
- Megumin's Explosion's manacost will now be refunded if the battle ended before it finished casting
- Added a new ability to Megumin: Meditate. While used, she receives a substantial penalty to Dodge, but if she is not hit for a full turn, she will restore 25% of her mana.
- Aqua's Turn Undead "Blinding Strike" upgrade now hits the target two times, which should make it a viable alternative to the otherwise superior AOE attack.
- Aqua's Divine Heal now increases healed amount by 30% (from 10%) to the total of 50%.
- Aqua's Blessed Restoration changed to Resurrection, and as you would expect can now resurrect knocked out units.
- Aqua's Heal now has a 2 turn cooldown.
- Kazuma's Snipe now has an extra upgrade tier which adds two potential branches: Quick Draw, allowing for an extra shot per use, and Volley, which allows for three shots at random targets. Both come with increased manacost and decreased accuracy.
- Kazuma's and Chris's Steal now has ability upgrades
- Chris's Poisoned Blade rebalanced: extra damage out of stealth is now a potential upgrade. Another upgrade provides Execute, which will instantly kill an enemy if they're below 50% health.
- Yunyun's received multiple ability upgrades
- Buffing altars effects now only last for the duration of one battle
- Bosses now have debuff resist that can prevent them from getting afflicted with DOTs and special effects
- Building materials will now drop more often
- Reduced the rate at which gold drops when exploring the alleys
- Some abilities/weapons can now have multiple damage types; if they target multiple weaknesses, the monster will lose more shields at a time, increasing the effectiveness of such attacks
- Level cap increased to 12
- Damage-over-time effects such as Bleed and Burn will now fully ignore armor
- Added multiple unique items, accessories, sets of armor, and weapons
- Shortbow damage and accuracy modifiers from 0.8 -> 1.0
- Broadsword's accuracy mod from 0.8 -> 0.9
- Iron dagger removed from sale
- Kazuma can no longer wear Heavy Armor
- The cost of consumable items and gifts significantly reduced
Minor changes:
- The Gift's interactive text can now be viewed in the Log screen
- Updated Rin's guild portrait to match her in-game skin
- Minor improvements to AOE lighting from some abilities in adventuring mode
- Added Lockpicks to help people who somehow struggle with the lockpicking minigame
- Added Resurrection Potions
- Minor changes to Skill Upgrade menu to keep it stylistically consistent
- Added multiple new Achievements
- Damage preview is now more accurate and takes into account target type, its status, vulnerabilities and whether or not they're known, etc.
- "A Business Arrangement" now *actually* adds Megumin's panties to the inventory
- Chris's panties now correctly mention her as their owner in their description
- Cleared obstacles (like the locked door in the dungeon) will no longer spawn after the first time
- Wiz's relationship trigger is now moved to a different event and is retroactively cleared.
- Fixed a typo resulting in a crash when working a shift at the guild
- Fixed a bug that allowed working on an invention without any building materials
- Fixed an issue that would cause the boon hint to not show when Chris is in the party
- Fixed a bug that allowed leveling past the level cap
- Fixed Aqua's bait & cast animations not matching her height
- Fixed an issue with Steph not joining the party during her rescue quest. Hopefully
- Removed a rogue pixel from Aqua's attack animation
- Fixed an bug which allowed casting Lurk on allies
- Fixed some clipping visuals in "Pent-up Feelings", "Long Live Sexual Assault"
- Fixed a bug that could result in a crash when hiding the UI during adventuring. On the flip side, you can no longer hide it :)
- Fixed a bug that could result in a crash during the Heist if its replayed or started over
- Fixed a bug preventing players from getting maximum bonuses for working at the construction site or relaxing in the bath. The change is applied retroactively
- Fixed a bug that caused Imp's attacks crit on every hit. They now apply Weaken as intended
- Fixed a bug that prevented stealth from being broken on misses
- Fixed a bug that prevented some effects from triggering upon ability use if the unit missed
- Fixed a bug that could cause floating messages to display in the wrong spot
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused enemies to render on top of each other during attack animations
- Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented visual effects from friendly abilities from rendering
- Fixed a bug that prevented damage mod buffs from taking effect
- Fixed a bug that made some abilities a lot stronger since their damage modifiers were not applied
- Fixed a bug that could lead to accessories being lost upon unequipping
- Fixed an issue that applied raw damage to on-harm effects
- Fixed an issue that prevented protection from being applied properly in damage calculations
- Fixed an issue that could cause AOE effects to render multiple times
- Minor spelling fixes
Get Adventurer Trainer
Adventurer Trainer
18+ Dating Sim / RPG Konosuba parody
Status | In development |
Author | PastryIRL |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Adult, Comedy, Eroge, Erotic, Hentai, JRPG, Parody, Porn, Romance, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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Pasty, recuerda que esta bien tener actualizaciones pequeñas 🤭
Thanks for the reminder 🤭
BUG REPORT: Darkness' bolster ability has a bug. If you pick "rally" perk, game will crash often with runtime errors when enemies try to use status effects on Darkness. Bug can be avoided by choosing reflect instead.
Thank you for the report! It'll be fixed in 0.2.0
I am at the part of the story where you need to hire other party members to take down the cocktice I got Yun Yun Rin and Chris am I missing someone or is that all I can do for now
At the moment that's all you can do, the Cockatrice fight will be the last thing we'll do in Episode 1!
What is the max lv rn for all character again? Is it 12 because i cannot level up higher than 12 right now
Yes, it's currently 12
thank you for the reply, so are there any other way to get the skill gem to lv up skill
You get power gems for:
Guess all i can do now is grind dungeon for secret room or feed Chomusuke, idk where to find the miniboss though
Greetings to one of my favorite game developer, I hope you have a wonderful half of the year.
you as well <3
Hi! I really loved the game and I was wondering if you would be interested in doing an official spanish translation of the game? I played it in spanish with my partner (who doesn't understand english) and it was honestly a really bad translation. Now, I'm not an expert, but I could help if you want to translate your game
Hi! Since the game is still in active development and I often go back to rewrite/fix some parts, I'm not planning on adding an official translation just yet. Potentially after Chapter 1 is complete.
That said, there's a lot of text in the game, which would be a lot of work to take on
Hi! You can enter the cheat code by going to your room
How do I update the APK on Android?
Just download the new APK and install it on top of the old one
Okay 👍
Tengo una pregunta cuales son los códigos de trucos por qué el gold me aparece código incorrecto
Finally some Wiz X3
Welp, finally got some downtime available to check out the update, and it was going mostly well but I encountered a Game-breaking bug, not sure what exactly is causing it. What I did was the following:
After trying out the new bandits event at night in the alleys, I wanted to test more combat with a full party, so I went to the Brigand Camp since I had a couple of quests there anyway. My team is the basic MC+Aqua+Darkness+Megumin, everyone using the alternate skins (The blue one for Darkness, this might be relevant). Seems like it's going all well and dandy until I use Bolster Ranks with Darkness and the enemies attack. An array of seemingly infinite exception errors then ensue (ignore button doesn't help and rollback just sends me back to the map selection), apparently the engine unable to find some assets for what I can only guess is some special effect or something.
Darkness is equipped with the Thorns armor, Bolster Ranks is using the self-marking ability, resistance to de buffs and the Riposte buff. I have confirmed that other characters can be safely attacked without errors, but when Darkness is marked she taunts, and when she receives the next attack my guess is that the game doesn't expect her to apply Thorns and Riposte at the same time that she's Marked, or the issue might lie on the attack from a bandit causing a special debuff that doesn't mesh well with the buffs previously applied.
I'd like to spend some time testing further for a more accurate assessment, but unfortunately I don't have the time for such luxury right now, so I wanted to report what I found so far. I'm playing on the latest free version on Android by the way. If you tell me how to do it, I could reproduce the bug and send you the error log, although as I said there are seemingly infinite of them, as when I keep pressing "ignore", new ones keep replacing it (actually, it seems to be the same log but varying some numbers which I guess are code addresses)
Thank you for the detailed report!
Could you let me know what items are equipped? I suspect one of them might be causing this issue but haven't tracked down which one yet.
Of course! Here's a screenshot of Darkness' items and stats. I deduce it has to be something about her since the other characters could be attacked no problem
Fantastic, thanks a lot!
How can i save my progres in game
how do I update to this version on PC?
Downloading it should be enough since the engine normally caches saves in the roaming data. On the off chance that on your machine it does not, the old version will have a 'saves' folder you can transfer